The best way to store cheese it to wrap in waxed or greaseproof paper as this allows the cheese to breathe and doesn’t dry out too quicky. Place wrapped cheese in an airtight platic container and store in the fridge. Avoid using cling film as it allows moisture to build up encouraging mould growth on the cheese.
You are able to freeze cheese, although this will change the texture and the taste, we would only recommend doing this if using the cheese for cooking. Top tip: grate the cheese before freezing for ease of use when needed!
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To serve your cheese take out of the fridge at least 20 minutes before serving, ideally cheese should be served at room temperature to maximise flavour.
If you are preparing a cheeseboard, arrange cheeses and then cover with a clean damp cloth to prevent cheese from drying out.
Cheddar: Crisp white wines or medium red wines work very well, with Vintage Cheddar & Leek and the more mature cheddars try Welsh Ale or Cider.
Caerphilly: Sparkling white wine or sweet cider